I’m so excited to start my new blog – Welcome!
Howdy! I’m so happy that you’re here! I just started my new blog, where I’ll be writing about our life abroad (aka expat life) and our travels here in USA.
“We” in our family means my husband and our two little adventurers, aged 2 and 6.
We moved from Finland to USA, specifically to Michigan, exactly one year ago. Honestly, time has flown by so fast! I just can’t believe we’ve already lived here for a year. My husband is working here at the moment and I have my job in Finland, but currently, I’m enjoying maternity leave here.
The past year has been such a rollercoaster for us — full of emotions, from happy moments to challenging ones. At one point, I also felt exhausted from learning a new language and adjusting to a new culture. Nowadays, navigating life here feels a little easier.
We sold our house in Finland in November 2023 and we spent a couple of months without a home of our own. It was a tough time living in other people’s living rooms. We finally flew to Detroit at the end of January 2023.
Right now we’re still learning about cultural differences (and I’m sure this will continue as long as we live here!). We’re also traveling as much as we can within USA. Well, okay, we’ve also been to Canada a couple of times and back to Finland once last year.
I’m so happy for my little travelers, who get to explore the world with us and see that it’s so much bigger than they can even imagine.
I hope you’ll join our journey! You can also follow us on Instagram at @saraspostcard.
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